Monday, October 29, 2012

My (Late) Week in Photos

Ah, there's nothing like a hurricane to keep you inside and cabin feverish.  We're huddled inside for Hurricane Sandy and, for once, I wish we didn't have windows nearly surrounding two of our walls.  There's a lot of wind and rain out there, folks. 
It also reminded me that I never posted photos of my last week!  Forgive my tardiness...

 We had a fondue/game night at our house last Saturday night with some work friends and Belen.  The amount of cheese'll make you full just thinking about it.

 The fall leaves are here!

 My bachelorette meal while JP was in NYC: black bean soup with mushroom burritos.  Insanely delish!

 I also had a mini-craft night with some construction paper and an old frame.  I quite like it.

 I started peeling off my nail polish, creating male hairlines on my fingers.  The left is definitely Ron Swanson.

And my mom came to visit!  She even brought me lunch at work on Friday, and kept me company in the student center.  I love my family.


  1. good old regina and her awesome lyrics. that fondue/game night was amazing!

  2. Fondue!!! How well I remember those parties from many years ago. So nice that what's old is new again. Sounds like fun.
