Friday, January 3, 2014

My Week in Photos

I can't wait to share my pictures of Florida and Christmas with you next week!  Until then, here are some photos of our week here at home...

 August's favorite thing to do with his beautiful hand-knit blanket from his Aunt Haley is scrunch it and rub his face into the middle.  Maybe he can smell her on it?  This kid is weird.

 He loves carrots!  I'll have to do a post about his solid food routine soon (aka once I have pictures of it!).

 Oh my goodness, that smile.

 This is just a terribly grainy photo of my men, but I love watching their night routine.  JP is so good with singing August lullabies, feeding him, and rocking him to sleep; it melts my heart.

 He's so loud when he laughs now!

JP, August, Mia, and I started off 2014 with a walk around an old mill and waterfall here in Roswell.  It was a crisp, beautiful day, and August and I wore our loudest beanies!  I love my little dude.

1 comment:

  1. We are so blessed to have you post all these wonderful pictures of your life with those two fantastic men! But how could they be anything else with you as the adorable wife and too cute baby boy! Love you so much!!! XXXXX
