Friday, September 26, 2014

Our Week in Photos

He is very cute, although not always especially photogenic.

 On Sunday afternoons, we like to indulge in some pantsless reading in the playroom.  It's a very fancy end to the weekend.

Due to someone's extreme fidgety nature during story time (ahem, August), we left a few minutes early and played in the children's department.  Two minutes later, story time let out and this area was packed!

 Grey sweater twinsies!

Trust me, I am enjoying these days when he voluntarily holds my hand, or finger, as it were.  I know it won't last forever, and his hands are small enough to just need my pointer right now!

 This is August's favorite area at our closest playground.  He likes it even more when I stand behind him and say, "Vroom, vroom!"

 Wearing the hottest accessory these days: a video monitor on my front pocket.
And yes, it has been chilly enough in the mornings to justify a sweatshirt!

Are these not the funkiest homemade bagels you've ever seen?  Hopefully they taste better than they look.

August found this large stick in the middle of one of our 'walks' (a few hundred yards around a field near Target).  Doesn't it look like he's practicing fencing or something?

1 comment:

  1. Another reason to TGIF -- sweet pictures of you and the wonder boy. Love the shot of him holding your finger. There was one like that a couple of weeks ago when he was holding JP's. Such a treat to be able to peek into your life -- and especially to hear your sweet voice at the end. Love you. XXXXX
