Wednesday, November 21, 2012

On Abbi's To Read List

Today, JP and I are completing the pilgrimage to South Florida for Thanksgiving.  You'll have to excuse me for a brief pseudo-post today; rather than a full on book review, how about a list of books I'm looking forward to picking up in the next few months?

The Twelve, Justin Cronin's follow-up to my beloved The Passage, follows a different set of characters from the coming of the 'jumpers.'  Summer ordered a copy for my birthday, and I've just got to get to this one!  It promises a whole new perspective survival instincts and how man can get by when he's desperate.

Maggie Shiphead's debut novel, The Seating Arrangements, sounds like an updated Jane Austen novel.  I'm not a huge Austen fan, but am curious to see how this story of a long wedding weekend ends.  Somewhat sophisticated chick lit.

Quirky family dynamics are one of my favorite literary plotlines, and Kris D'Agostino's The Sleepy Hollow Family Almanac, seems like it could fulfill that need for me.  Almost like a book version of The Royal Tenanbaums, perhaps?

IQ84, by Haruki Murakami, came out last year, and I'm dying just over the cover.  Described as a love story mystery, it's also supposed to be incredibly well-paced.  Not an easy task for a novel that tops 900-pages.

P.S. Happy Thanksgiving Eve!

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