Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving in Florida!

Man, Thanksgiving went by superfast!  I'm spending the last days of November in sunny south Florida, and soaking up the 77 degree weather while I still can.  Want to see some pictures of the big eating day?
Haley looked like a leggy model.  Seriously, who's allowed to look so cute when they eat so much good food?!
If you knew how many pictures we have to go through to get just one good one with my dad, you'd be exhausted.  Just trust when I say that there are some silly outtakes of this shot.
I love Amber laughing in this photo!  The family always gathers for a board game after dinner, and, needless to say, we get a little goofy.
I wouldn't know, though, because I was partaking in my annual, "Sleep when it's most noisy, least appropriate, you-really-shouldn't-have-eaten-so-much" nap.  It's a time-honored tradition.
You can't just break tradition.
Mom trying to cram Haley's tummy back in.  We gorged on turducken.
She's a great cook!
And the pumple.  More on that later.


  1. Turducken, games, sunny weather, naps -- life is good in South Florida. Love the really good pix of you and LD. Know what you mean about the outtakes! Thanks for making me feel as if I was there -- almost!! Love you - G'ma

  2. We certainly had a lovely Thanksgiving down here; hope you enjoyed your holiday in Winston-Salem! Love you, Grandma
